Friday 10 February 2012

Social Roles

I wrote previously about how I was raised as a feminine female and Lady Gaga’s influence on the transgendered.  I searched further online and found an interesting site, that although out-dated I still found relevant on the social roles of men and women today.  I came across sentences that read, “It is not enough for a man to be male; he also has to appear masculine. A woman, in addition to being female, must also be feminine” (Haeberle, 1983).  I found this really helped encapsulated everything I wanted to share in this blog, please follow the above link to further your understanding as well.

Image retrieved from Fashion Loves Film blog.

Works Cited

Haeberle, E.J. (1983). The social roles of men and women. In The sex atlas.Retrieved February 10, 2012, from

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