Wednesday 8 February 2012

Masculine Males & Feminine Females

Considering this week’s topic of masculine and feminine roles I examined myself and those closest to me.  My first step was to compare myself to my boyfriend.  Instantly, I thought it was funny to see that I used my boyfriend’s sex as a man in order to examine his gender and masculine characteristics while comparing it to my own feminine characteristics.  I found this demonstrates that although I have been educated in the meaning of sex and gender, I continue to pair men with masculine and women with feminine, though there can be masculine woman and feminine men.   While making descriptions I define him as strong, straightforward, aggressive, funny, mischievous, and driven.  In turn, I feel that I am understanding, caring, shy, accepting, funny, and nurturing.  I then decided to consider my parents relationship and feel that my dad fit the similar description of my boyfriend, and my mother the same as myself.  Furthermore, I examined some of my favourite movies.  Twilight features two lead males and one female who scene to scene is the damsel in distress, weak and in need of their rescue.  I then looked at Disney movies which have great influence on North American youth.  Often there was a weak, white female in need of rescuing from a strong male in order to live happily ever after; both Shrek and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs are examples of this.

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