We spoke this week in class of the things we have learned this semester. I shared that I learned to not take things at face value and to look further than what meets the eye. This is something that I find is vital in many aspects in life such as work, home, between friends and family, and while making important decisions. As taught in class, I have learned to be overly aware of minorities and my behaviour and demeanour towards them. I have recognized that the media contains many underlying messages and shares subliminal information damaging to the ethnic, racial, gender, sexual, religious, etc identities for many. Not only have I learned to be more aware of others stereotypes and forms of suppression, I have learned of my own. As a white female, I am part of the female minority. I do recognize my own White privilege, but fear the future in terms of my career as a woman. I wonder if I would lose a job opportunity to a man, not be taken as seriously because of my gender, or face a limited income. I consider all of these thoughts but do my best to be aware of my minority status, but do everything in my power to work against it and not accept it at face value. I would like to embrace being a woman, and use other powerful women as examples for my possibilities and not use my identity to tolerate mediocrity or limitation.
Follow the link to view Forbes List of The Most Powerful Women of 2011.
I also looked to a famous pop-star icon, Beyoncé Knowles, a black woman who continues to top the music charts, and has established an acting career as well. Beyoncé lives with rapper husband Jay Z, both African American, together beat the odds and became one of the highest earning couples of 2011.
Works Cited
Beyoncé Knowles. (2012). Biography.com. Retrieved from http://www.biography.com/people/beyonc%C3%A9-knowles-39230 on March 29, 2012
Jay-Z. (2012). Biography.com. Retrieved from http://www.biography.com/people/jay-z-507696 on March 29, 2012
Sibley-O’Brien, A. (2010). Privilege and Interracial Adoption. White privilege. Retrieved from http://whitepriv.blogspot.ca/ on March 29, 2012